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Is Working from Home and Homeschooling Realistic?

If I told you that teaching your child at home and still managing your career responsibilities and goals was possible, would you attempt them simultaneously? If you're like most parents, you're giggling at that question, but this framework will show you how it can be your new reality while functioning effortlessly.

If you're on the fence about homeschooling and are in the initial phase of choosing a schooling style best for your learner, this post will help you sift through the ways that traditional school differs from the possibilities of teaching at home. Every family's situation and needs are unique, and there are various styles of education that will fit yours. While making these decisions is never easy, it doesn't have to feel like traditional schooling is the only option. I had this mindset and even spent five years in a classroom teaching, but when it came to my own child's education, my parenting choices drastically opposed the perspective I once had as a conventional elementary educator. What works for my child and our family's demands won't be an exact match to what will suit you and your specific circumstances, but these ideas will offer a glimpse into the ways that learning at home could be the ideal possibility!

Where to Begin

The best piece of knowledge I can pass along when it comes to thinking about homeschool is that there is no blueprint but your own. Unlike traditional schooling, the schedule is yours to create and manipulate! All of the pieces your child would have as fillers during a traditional school day, including specials or enrichment courses (art, music, P.E., choir, etc.), recess, lunch, transitioning to and from tasks and classes, are not accounted for when considering how much time to allot for instruction. What would be required over a 45-minute class period with more than 20 students could mean that the same lesson concepts could be covered with your learner in only 20 minutes at home.

Create a Your Non-Negotiable Schedule

An easy way to launch into planning when to plug in homeschool is to first fill in what tasks and obligations already exist. For example, if you hold a traditional 9-5 work schedule, those hours would be the first to omit from the possible times for instruction. If you and your child are early risers, it is very possible to tackle an hour of learning before your work day begins. Maybe you don't have a set schedule, but rather a changing meeting timetable from day to day, which makes your options more open for plugging in learning when available or choosing a time around your preexisting obligations. Remember this is 1-on-1, focused learning, unlike a traditional setting it will be

Outline a Desired Routine

Although your schedule may vary from day to day, outlining a routine can help to keep structure within your child's expectations during each learning time at home. The time the routine takes place can change, but creating a regime helps to set a pattern for your child to follow each time. Parts of your routine may include independent reading, pieces of your chosen curriculum, math games, but each task should have a designated spot in the line up and once settled should become automatic for you and your learner before long.

Flexibility and Grace

Take time to adjust your approach to find what works not only for your child's educational needs, but also for your sanity. The special ingredient to success is the intention behind teaching your child, creating the optimal environment and learning opportunities for their progression. You know your learner best, making your attempts at homeschool the prime venture toward his or her academic success. This adventure will be amazing for your journey together, regardless of the adjustments made along the way.


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I taught in the classroom for five years before joining the educator support crew.

Now I'm homeschooling my son while growing alongside other parents and teachers.

Take a peek at the printables and teaching tidbits I have here + follow me everywhere else!

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I'm Lauren
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