Don't know exactly how to tackle daily reading and math?
In 15-minutes, you can establish a routine that can follow your learner from an emergent reader just starting off to a fluent reader bound for excellence. Math skills need to shine, too!
Grab your easy-to-follow routines today.
Use these routines in your teaching schedule each day to create predicatable instruction!
How will this resource help me and my learner?Your learner will love the predictability of the schedule, but you have the flexibility to interchange topics, activities, and stories at your preference to make the most of this time with your young learner.
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Homeschool with confidence by creating realistic, manageable methods fit for your family.
Get ideas and hacks from a certified elementary teacher turned homeschooling mom.
If you love realistic parent chat and learning hacks for your kids, this is your kind of place.
I taught in the classroom for five years before joining the educator support crew.
Now I'm homeschooling my son while growing alongside other parents and teachers.
Take a peek at the printables and teaching tidbits I have here + follow me everywhere else!
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I'm Lauren
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